Agile web development uses inter-functional teams in order for software solutions to be continuously developed and improved. It is a streamlined approach aimed at more effective, flexible adjustments.

Agile philosophy supports a disciplined project management process and perfectly organized team working that encourages frequent inspections and adaptation with the purpose to deliver working software. It encourages teamwork, self-organization, human development, leadership, and accountability.

Now, it’s the time to understand the intricacies of Agile development, and believe us, it’s with your interest!

What is Agile Development?

Agile development is not only the ability to adapt to technological changes and developments. In fact, in 2001, a team of professional developers created a collection of methodologies. In the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, their methods were extensively outlined. The whole process focuses on four main convictions:

  1. Documentation does not matter as well as software.
  2. The processes and tools must be controlled by interactions and individuals
  3. It works better than following a plan rigidly to address change
  4. At all stages of development, customer cooperation should be a focus

Even at the beginning of development, the main difference between agile website development and more traditional processes is that programmers are involved. Instead of making several changes right prior to launch, you solve individual problems. The goal is to continuously change a final product, which requires little, if any, greater change during the development process.


Agile Web Development Methodology and Process

Most of the steps in agile web development occur at the same time. The whole process is based on the work of teams of people. Early meetings involving all contributors are critical to web development.

The agile web development process includes various incremental processes, also known as “sprints,” rather than just creating a large development process. There is a different timeline for each sprint. In general, the following steps take every sprint:

  • Discover
  • Design
  • Develop
  • Test

Specific but interlinked sprints are often performed simultaneously. Avoiding a sequential procedure generates creativity and a final product that is more customized. For instance, one sprint can only be a wireframing process, while the other can focus exclusively on prototyping.

During the process, potential customers are tested and exposed at various points. Each sprint can last only a week or two instead of incorporating the entire development process in one large framework.

Agile vs. Waterfall

One of the most traditional modes of web development is the development of waterfall. A strict number of events follows, which are usually followed by the following:

  1. Project strategy (business needs)
  2. Documentation and Requirements gathering
  3. Analysis
  4. UI design
  5. Programming
  6. Testing & Debugging
  7. Deployment
  8. About & Support

Before moving to the next step, every step requires extensive documentation and review. Each step can take months, too, to ensure that the whole process takes a great deal of time.

In many places of work, Waterfall web development remains the norm. Over time, however, developers have realized that a strict, documented process cannot work for a number of projects. It can instead be much more efficient to move faster and at the same time work on different parts of the project. This more quickly overlapping development form is evidence of the agile methodology of web development.


The Pros and Cons of Waterfall Development

For nearly 40 years, the waterfall method existed. It has been working on a variety of projects for years, although it may have its disadvantages. Some positive aspects of this development scheme are here:

  • Design issues are dealt with upfront. Early-stage design problems are addressed. If there are potential problems with design, these problem areas will be explored and addressed before any coding begins.
  • The expectations are all known at the beginning. The stakeholders develop extensive documentation that outlines goals, timetables, test scenarios, and costs before the project really starts (for example, before coding begins). Before the “real” work begins, all of these details can be on the same page at the beginning.
  • No surprises. With a comprehensive plan, the company knows what is happening in time and does not change or alter the final product significantly.

The method of the waterfall is stiff. Although this can be an advantage, it can also be a big disadvantage. It is not possible to define needs at the outset, and you may not be able to effectively deal with unexpected issues when they arise with an inflexible plan. In contrast to agile development, the process often takes longer.

When to Use Waterfall Instead of Agile

Even if some argue that waterfall is “dead” or is something to avoid, many organizations are still using this practice. In certain circumstances, waterfall may be the best option, including:

  • The owner of the product will not like to participate or change the final product during the entire process
  • Situations that require extensive documentation and strict regulation requirements
  • You have to meet a strict or firm deadline

Waterfall usually works well if the guidelines are solid and not easily adjustable.

Traditional vs. Agile Web Development

While a “traditional” web development method is regarded as the waterfall method, it is not the only traditional method. Although other traditional methods are similar, they work slightly differently than the waterfall method.

Traditional methods continue to concentrate on a rigid sequence. They generally contain:

  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Monitoring
  • Closure

The main aspects of traditional web development are early planning and prioritization. The process is highly controlled and with clear and defined goals. It requires substantial documentation at the beginning, just as the waterfall approaches.

Clients or customers don’t interactively enter the project. All the input is given instead at the beginning. As a result, the project should not generally waver from the objectives and objectives established in the initiation and planning phases.


Components of Agile Web Development

Flexibility is the central advantage of the agile workflow. It can easily be adapted to focus, for example, on unexpected problem areas or develop some more based upon problems arising from the ongoing project, despite the fact that it follows general patterns.

Agile development features various workflow types. Each one is somewhat different and will work best for certain types of projects or goals.

Agile Development Frameworks

What is Scrum?

Scrum may be the most famous workflow. It concentrates on teamwork which proves to be handy to solve problems effectively and to improve continuously. A scrum master promotes and supports the scrum team during its function.

The process of Scrum includes the following terms and procedures:

  • Planning sprint: The sprint focused on project planning by defining the results for the coming sprints and how this work is carried out.
  • Product backlog: The detailed functions of the customer during the completion cycle are detailed, changes and modifications made to the product
  • Sprint backlog: The backlog of the product which is targeted in a specific sprint
  • Scrum meetings: The team will discuss the status of the project and what their team is to work on during a scrum meeting.
  • Sprint: It is here that the work is carried out.
  • Sprint review: The examination took place at the end of the sprint to verify the sprint increase

The sum of all items in the backlog completed during the sprint is an increase.

What is Kanban?

Another agile workflow for web development is Kanban. It focuses on a ‘slim’ process of development, often making the Web development process more cost-effective. The structure is far less than Scrum. It has no predefined roles, although a project manager may be present (much like the scrum master).

The scrum workflow is based on the timeline, but Kanban supplies products and processes continuously. In fact, it is more flexible than Scrum since it has no predetermined fragmented projects with individual objectives. Instead of before or after a sprint, changes can occur at any time.

Kanban vs Scrum: Which Is Better?

Kanban and Scrum cannot really be “better” in a general sense than each other – it depends on the overall project objectives. Both projects are considered agile and use continuous programming.

Scrum is more organized than Kanban. However, Scrum will probably be a good fit if you need special roles and procedures. Besides that, Scrum also promotes greater transparency and team accountability than Kanban.

Kanban is far easier to learn, on the other hand. So the whole process can be faster. It is more flexible, and users can get out of the project more quickly and with less budgetary strain.

Your project goals and client needs will be important to determine if Kanban or Scrum is the correct web development methodology for you.


Advantages of Agile Development

The agile methodology of development has major advantages in web development. All parties – from project managers to clients – are affected by these benefits.

Lower Costs and Increased Project Control

Each team member provides status and input updates at sprint meetings, although agile web development is team-based. This means that a Member can quickly and efficiently be corrected if he has not followed or gone a different direction from the one intended. The resulting effects of this type of fast action are also profound.

Increased Consumer Satisfaction

Customers often value the high level of transparency of agile web development. The process also uses customer feedback on a regular basis to improve the chances of the customer getting the product finished the way they need, even if that isn’t the product they requested at the project’s beginning.

Decreased Risks

As Agile maintains close tabs on how the project goes on a daily basis, there is a drastic reduction in chances of a total product failure — almost nothing. Regular checks enable team members to adapt and decide on issues and to give the project the best chance to succeed.

Overall Speed of Production

The whole process is agile and fast. You can achieve goals in just a few weeks instead of spending years on a project. It is this intensity, although the process can be very intense.


There is no fixed workload in the process of agile development. It allows considerable flexibility to adapt as needed even though there is a certain structure. As customer communication takes place on a regular basis, customers have the option of changing their projects. The modification enables a customer to fix issues when the team leaves but also enables the customer to adjust the final product if his or her views about “what they need or how to achieve” change.

Agile Web Development Support and Maintenance

The final steps in the development process of agile are continuous maintenance and support. Some development processes ignore this step, but it is a crucial aspect of the development process as a whole. Continuous maintenance and support ensure that the final product remains adapted to the needs of the customer.

There is often an enormous knowledge gap between agents and their clients. Some technology problems are very hard to explain, and many customers just don’t care to learn. The conversation is made difficult only by these factors. Agile development, however, can be a decent fit for ongoing tech support following substantial completion of the web development project.

Agile web development is team-based, and in providing ongoing support and maintenance, you can use the same mentality. The fact that a team is working together to resolve issues not only shows the customer you care for, but also helps the team’s continued morals.

Agile regularly uses customer feedback, which customers certainly value. Customer input can help the team detect and immediately correct problems with their service and maintenance. It’s a great way to improve customer satisfaction rate when you involve customers to ensure everything works properly.

Seeking help?

We, at AccuWebTech, have a decent and well-trained team specialized in Agile development. It’s their excellence and dedication towards attaining perfection that has ensured 100% customer satisfaction rate till now.

If there’s some idea or an ambitious plan in the corner of your mind, please don’t hesitate in sharing it with us. Contact our Experts now, and they’ll offer the best solution and ideas possible.